Chocolate Tiramisu, French–Style

Chocolate Tiramisu, French–Style 2016-02-05 18:43:45 Serves 8 Tiramisu must be everyone’s favorite dessert – I have never met anyone who dislikes it. I have made quite a few variations and all were good, but this recipe makes my top of the top favorites list… and it...

Visiting a “Nougaterie” — France

Nougat is a wonderful chewy candy made with sugar, honey, nuts, whipped egg white, and sometimes dried or candied fruit. It is used in a variety of candy bars, often coated with chocolate (e.g., Snickers), and is sometimes added to ice cream. It originated in...
Cherry Garcia Ice Cream

Cherry Garcia Ice Cream

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the weather has finally gotten hot. That means ice cream season of course, but cherries are in high season also. They have a short season, but are abundant in markets everywhere right now… sweet and juicy, and looking beautiful! I...

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